Monday, October 15, 2012

Free Birthday Cake

Years ago, when I volunteered at a Soup Kitchen I witnessed many parents coming to the side door of the kitchen requesting a complete cake. It was their child's birthday and they could not afford a birthday cake for their kids. 

I decided that I was going to do something about this, in whatever small way I could, so I posted an ad on craigslist offering free birthday cake to anyone who wants/needs one. One person replied with worries that I would poison her. Another person replied with a request for a pink and/or barbie cake for her daughter. Sweet!

I baked and decorated and ended up with this cake. It's not perfect but hopefully it made a little girl happy!

I get some much needed cake decorating practice out of the exchange. Perhaps I, and my cake, even get to live in the birthday memories of a child - which is pretty cool to think about.

If you are interested in a free birthday cake please email me at wingedsnail99 [at] hotmail [dot] ca.    
Article also on Collaborative Living


  1. What a lovely idea. I'm not in need of a cake but I would love to be on the receiving end of such a pretty pink one :) I'm sure they'll love it!

  2. That is awesomely nice of you :) Well done!
